
Don't Play Yourself, Call Me Later

A woman once told me she liked my rhyme
Accomplished hands hold hips back to look
Apparition with a wine glass
Autumn's head wears a red dress

Baby, black love don't break quick
Before I was alive, I was my own continent
Believe everything.
Behind every line there's no story
Born-again after sex, I like to stop breathing.

Caroline Kennedy's got nothing on me.
Chemistry (inside coffee)
Church conspiracies melt into chrome

Everything has sex with itself, only differently.
Everyone's bipolar.

I handed you a passport
I can piece ground coffee back together
I'll believe in God for a second in case it helps.

Kneel on skeletons before me.
Knick-knack, let me not end up a cliche.

Like a clothesline cuts slices into the sky,
Like a sponge that still drips without water,
Like a star about to nova,
Like the grass that could not compel us to leave,
Lisa licks water lillies and tells me it's a poem.

Medulla oblongata (unstitched)
Miracle Mamma
My brain operates in a blood-bath

Network Static--
Nice caressing for someone with no fingertips.

Pale faces fold
Purple thread wraps around his button

See-thru like the metal that holds together rosary beads,
Spiced onions (Big Blue)
Stephanie wants to be Googled and found.
Stop invading me!

Ted Berrigan says to invent life (after dreams)>br> The scalpel that cut the Swastika

What split wasn't the fault line,
When I blew up the White House, nobody ran
Who the fuck gets married on a Sunday during football season?
You say the impulse is instant.

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